Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Original content: China Water: July 2, 2008; Spanish water expo brings attention, tension for China's water situation.

Today in Zaragoza, Spain, the world water expo is taking place. China is participating.

According to there is a protest by many NGOs at the expo focusing on China's participation at the conference and China's water policies. The primary area of concern, says the article, is sustainability of these policies but other concerns include chronic corruption and human rights abuses manifesting themselves through China's water policies. RedOrbit cites a July 1, 2008, Spanish language source at ABC , a respected Spanish newspaper, but I was not able to find the original (although I do read Spanish.)

The Chinese, as tends to be the case, were quite excited by their participation in the international event and stories about the expo were carried at Shanghai Daily and The People's Daily Online.

Click here, for a Canadian overview of the exhibition.

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